Tuesday, June 15, 2010
High Place and Pricipality lessons...
As I awoke this morning this story came to mind. It starts back on February 27th of this year (2010). As with many stories it starts with a dream. I won't get detailed into the dream here, it is written down, and even has a deeper meaning than I will get into. If possible I'll try to keep this short and to the point. (I'm usually not too good at that, so I laugh as I write this.)
After the dream that morning I sense it is time to close the door on a relationship from my youth. I've thought I had done that but the dream seemed to indicate that there was something I was holding onto in my soul. I decide to go to the "mountain" where I asked her to marry me one October morning in 1988. This is also the place where I had my first real experience with God revealing himself to me. I had written about this in a earlier blog dated January 20th, 2006 (The Lord Intervenes). I asked her to marry me here becuase it held such a place in my heart. I remember waking her on a Sunday morning, not telling her what I had in mind. She was grumpy since she had not a chance to wake up, but I was estatic knowing what I was about to do. I had bought the ring several days earlier and believe this was the one I wanted to spend my life with. We hiked together up the mountain, it was a beautiful early fall day. I won't get much into the story but I knelt down under the heavens and asked her to marry me. We were very young (I just turned 19 and she was soon to be 17, if that makes a difference) but she did say yes and we made plans to be married. I thought I had found what I was looking for in this life and was overjoyed.
As dreams of youth often fall apart, we fell apart. We struggled for about a year on and off but it never worked out. Came very close to being married that January, we had our marriage license, blood tests, court order (since she was underage we had to get a judge to approve), all we had to do was show up at the justice of the peace. We ended up in a fight and forgot to show up for our wedding. The justice of the peace called us and asked where we were (we made up again after the fight and were together that Saturday), we had just forgotten... (This again is quite hilarious if you think about it, who forgets about their wedding and doesn't show up!)
Quite the love story... Anyway to get back to what I am writing about. There are a couple of interesting tidbits to note about the place where all this happened. Written on a rock on the top of the "mountain" overlooking Wachusett resevior is a Sioux indian poem:
Oh Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
and whose breath gives life to all the world - Hear me.
I come before you, one of your children.
I am small and weak.
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
My ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my people,
the lesson you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers,
but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, *MYSELF*.
Make me ever ready to come to you, with clean hands and straight eyes,
so when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come you without shame.
Some would call this a "high place" or place where someone would come to worship God as they understand Him. No one really knows all that has taken place here, much may not be Holy and there may be a demonic stronghold in that place. You may question even my experience here but the Lord is Lord of all, even Peter's confession that Jesus was the Christ was a Cesarea Phillipi at the base of Mt. Hermon, this was a place dedicated to the God "Pan", you can read more about this from this link:
There were other stories I had heard of this place in which some would come there high on drugs such as LSD as well as other possible ungodly acts done here.
To get back to the story, I go up to this “mountain” to put an end to that relationship and close the door on the past. After all I believe that the Lord has much larger mountains for me to climb with Him and I just want to close this door forever. After some prayer, thanksgiving, confession, and even a few pictures to remember the day. I am ready to leave this place behind. I kneel down on the ground and for whatever reason I decide to make this place a holy place . I lay my right hand in the snow on the top and claim the place for Jesus and declare it Holy Ground. I remember looking at my hand as the cold snow burned my hand in pain. The hand was that of a child, maybe eight years old (I say this because the deformed right pinky I have that was crushed in a door when I was 9 was not there in the vision of my hand.), the hand was yellow, purple (blue), and red. I immediately start to cry. I let the tears flow thought I do not know why. Afterwards I begin to walk back toward home.
2 days later about 11AM I start to feel sick. Nausea, headache, fever, and extreme tiredness. I struggle to complete a book I am reading about deliverance, “Deliver Us From Evil” but the sickness gets worse. I call a friend of mine Bob to pray for me. He senses confusion, says a prayer, but the sickness continues. I force myself to finish the book with my head pounding. I cannot sleep either. I force myself out to take a walk with the Lord, I get a little better and I am able to take a nap when I get back. I Even go to the gym in the evening.
I start to read “Needless Casualties of War” by John Paul Jackson
The next day around 11AM I start to feel sick again. Nauseu, fever, tiredness, headache, etc. I get home from work still feeling ill. I do very little for the rest of the day but contuniue to read the John Paul Jackson Book "Needness Casualties of War". In the book John Paul tells several stories of men and women who get involved in Spiritual Warfare in which they war against demonic pricipalities and declare High places in the name of Jesus. Many horrible things happen to these people to include miscarriage, sickness, and even death. He inquires the Lord about this and through a dream it is revealed that these people had commited the sin of presumption. Pesumption being that they presumed they could conquer a principality or high place without the Lord's instruction. They overstepped their authority in Christ and went to battle where they were not told to. This is like a soldier taking on the enemy without the order from high command. Once those mentioned in the book repented, the miscarriages stopped and health was restored. I realized this is what I did that day on the "mountain" in declaring it a holy place without the Lord's direction. I repent of that sin and a couple others in which I had done in the past. After repenting I see the vision of my hand as a child in the snow on the mountain. The verse comes to me from Isaiah:
The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Isa 11:8-9 ESV)
The sickness has not returned since...
After the dream that morning I sense it is time to close the door on a relationship from my youth. I've thought I had done that but the dream seemed to indicate that there was something I was holding onto in my soul. I decide to go to the "mountain" where I asked her to marry me one October morning in 1988. This is also the place where I had my first real experience with God revealing himself to me. I had written about this in a earlier blog dated January 20th, 2006 (The Lord Intervenes). I asked her to marry me here becuase it held such a place in my heart. I remember waking her on a Sunday morning, not telling her what I had in mind. She was grumpy since she had not a chance to wake up, but I was estatic knowing what I was about to do. I had bought the ring several days earlier and believe this was the one I wanted to spend my life with. We hiked together up the mountain, it was a beautiful early fall day. I won't get much into the story but I knelt down under the heavens and asked her to marry me. We were very young (I just turned 19 and she was soon to be 17, if that makes a difference) but she did say yes and we made plans to be married. I thought I had found what I was looking for in this life and was overjoyed.
As dreams of youth often fall apart, we fell apart. We struggled for about a year on and off but it never worked out. Came very close to being married that January, we had our marriage license, blood tests, court order (since she was underage we had to get a judge to approve), all we had to do was show up at the justice of the peace. We ended up in a fight and forgot to show up for our wedding. The justice of the peace called us and asked where we were (we made up again after the fight and were together that Saturday), we had just forgotten... (This again is quite hilarious if you think about it, who forgets about their wedding and doesn't show up!)
Quite the love story... Anyway to get back to what I am writing about. There are a couple of interesting tidbits to note about the place where all this happened. Written on a rock on the top of the "mountain" overlooking Wachusett resevior is a Sioux indian poem:
Oh Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
and whose breath gives life to all the world - Hear me.
I come before you, one of your children.
I am small and weak.
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
My ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise, so that I may know the things you have taught my people,
the lesson you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength not to be superior to my brothers,
but to be able to fight my greatest enemy, *MYSELF*.
Make me ever ready to come to you, with clean hands and straight eyes,
so when life fades as a fading sunset, my spirit may come you without shame.
Some would call this a "high place" or place where someone would come to worship God as they understand Him. No one really knows all that has taken place here, much may not be Holy and there may be a demonic stronghold in that place. You may question even my experience here but the Lord is Lord of all, even Peter's confession that Jesus was the Christ was a Cesarea Phillipi at the base of Mt. Hermon, this was a place dedicated to the God "Pan", you can read more about this from this link:
There were other stories I had heard of this place in which some would come there high on drugs such as LSD as well as other possible ungodly acts done here.
To get back to the story, I go up to this “mountain” to put an end to that relationship and close the door on the past. After all I believe that the Lord has much larger mountains for me to climb with Him and I just want to close this door forever. After some prayer, thanksgiving, confession, and even a few pictures to remember the day. I am ready to leave this place behind. I kneel down on the ground and for whatever reason I decide to make this place a holy place . I lay my right hand in the snow on the top and claim the place for Jesus and declare it Holy Ground. I remember looking at my hand as the cold snow burned my hand in pain. The hand was that of a child, maybe eight years old (I say this because the deformed right pinky I have that was crushed in a door when I was 9 was not there in the vision of my hand.), the hand was yellow, purple (blue), and red. I immediately start to cry. I let the tears flow thought I do not know why. Afterwards I begin to walk back toward home.
2 days later about 11AM I start to feel sick. Nausea, headache, fever, and extreme tiredness. I struggle to complete a book I am reading about deliverance, “Deliver Us From Evil” but the sickness gets worse. I call a friend of mine Bob to pray for me. He senses confusion, says a prayer, but the sickness continues. I force myself to finish the book with my head pounding. I cannot sleep either. I force myself out to take a walk with the Lord, I get a little better and I am able to take a nap when I get back. I Even go to the gym in the evening.
I start to read “Needless Casualties of War” by John Paul Jackson
The next day around 11AM I start to feel sick again. Nauseu, fever, tiredness, headache, etc. I get home from work still feeling ill. I do very little for the rest of the day but contuniue to read the John Paul Jackson Book "Needness Casualties of War". In the book John Paul tells several stories of men and women who get involved in Spiritual Warfare in which they war against demonic pricipalities and declare High places in the name of Jesus. Many horrible things happen to these people to include miscarriage, sickness, and even death. He inquires the Lord about this and through a dream it is revealed that these people had commited the sin of presumption. Pesumption being that they presumed they could conquer a principality or high place without the Lord's instruction. They overstepped their authority in Christ and went to battle where they were not told to. This is like a soldier taking on the enemy without the order from high command. Once those mentioned in the book repented, the miscarriages stopped and health was restored. I realized this is what I did that day on the "mountain" in declaring it a holy place without the Lord's direction. I repent of that sin and a couple others in which I had done in the past. After repenting I see the vision of my hand as a child in the snow on the mountain. The verse comes to me from Isaiah:
The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Isa 11:8-9 ESV)
The sickness has not returned since...